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    Q.  What is the Wandell School Education Foundation?


    A. The Wandell School Education Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by parent volunteers.  The Foundation is singularly committed to enhancing educational opportunities in order to promote educational excellence at Wandell School.  The Foundation is non-political and operates independently of the Saddle River Board of Education.



    Q.  What is the purpose of the Foundation?


    A.  The Foundation is a broad-based non-profit organization whose purpose is exclusively educational.  The Foundation was established in 1990 to secure resources and undertake fundraising activities for the benefit of the students of Wandell School.


    The Foundation functions to enrich our children's educational experience with projects and programs, technology and materials that are not otherwise made possible within the limitations of the Board of Education budget.



    Q.  Dont our taxes pay for these programs?


    A.  No.  The state of New Jersey legislation mandates certain programs to be paid out of local budgets.  These mandates have the effect of limiting other programs.  As a single-school district, Wandell faces even stricter challenges from reduced available spending.  The Foundation provides these enriching programs that would otherwise not be a part of our children's education.



    Q.  What happens after the Foundation receives a donation?


    A. 100% of all donations are deposited into the Foundations bank account.  A large portion of our money is kept in an institutional money market account and then transferred, as needed, to our local bank.



    Q.  Who decides how the funds are allocated?


    A.  Based on the prior year's net income, a budget is developed for use the following academic school year.  The Foundation receives requests from faculty and staff throughout the year.  These requests are presented in writing to the trustees for approval.  All programs must be for educational purposes and benefit of the students at Wandell School.



    Q.  How can I get involved with the Foundation?


    A.  The various committees can use volunteers periodically to help throughout the year.  For greater involvement you can also apply to become a trustee.  Please contact a current trustee or drop a note in the Foundation mailbox in the Wandell School office.






Last Modified on September 30, 2011